Elections Info

In the spring each year the student body elects two fellow students to become Sabbatical Officers to work full-time for SMSU and four students to become part-time Vice President. The ‘Presidents’, ‘Sabbs’ or ‘Officers’ have either taken a year out of their studies to take up the role or are undertaking it in the year after they’ve graduated University. Whereas, The Vice-President's are undertaking their roles alongside their studies on a voluntary basis. 

This year, nominations open on Monday 6th January and close on Sunday 2nd February (now closed) - this is your chance to put yourself forward for a role. Digital campaigning week runs from 17th - 21st February and then voting week runs from 21st February until 28th February. Results will be announced on the 28th February at the Elections Results Night.

To vote in the SMSU Elections, you just need to be a member of SMSU.