An image of a fist

Nominations in the SMSU Elections are now open. You can place your nomination by logging in, clicking 'account/profile' and then navigating to 'my nominations' - you'll have the opportunity to submit a nomination for your chosen role. It's a relatively simple process, but if you have any questions at all about it please don't hesitate to contact us on or by DMing us on Instagram.

If you're thinking of running in the SMSU Elections but you're not sure yet, make sure you indicate your interest via this form. There's no commitment and it only takes two minutes to fill in. If you do that, we'll add you to our elections mailing list so that you can stay informed on everything that's happening so you're not missing anything - it's also an opportunity for you to ask us any burning questions you've got about the roles, elections or SMSU generally. Your anonymity will be protected if you do fill in the form, so you don't need to worry about anyone else finding out that you're possibly running.

We're also running some pre-nominations training sessions - click the links to register your attendance:

If you plan on running in the elections, please take the time to thoroughly read the rules. It's crucial for your campaign that you understand these.